massage, Uncategorized, wellbeing, wellness

Benefits of Massage

As a massage therapist, I am a firm believer in the power of massage to improve both physical and mental health. In our fast-paced world, it is important to take care of yourself so you can function at your best. One way to achieve this is by prioritising regular massages as part of your health and wellness routine.

Physical Benefits

Massage has numerous physical benefits that can help your body feel and function better. Here are just a few examples:

  • Relieve muscle tension and stiffness: Massage can help to release tight muscles that can cause discomfort and pain. This is especially helpful for people who spend a lot of time sitting or being sedentary, which can lead to muscle stiffness and reduced range of motion.
  • Reduce inflammation and pain: Massage increases blood flow to the affected area, which can help to reduce inflammation and pain. This makes it a great option for people with injuries or chronic pain conditions.
  • Improve flexibility and range of motion: By releasing tight muscles, massage can help to improve flexibility and range of motion. This can be especially helpful for athletes, dancers, or anyone who wants to move more easily.
  • Boost your immune system naturally: Studies have shown that massage can boost the immune system by increasing the activity of natural killer cells, which can help to fight off infections and illnesses.
  • Improve circulation and blood flow: Massage can promote blood flow and circulation, which can help to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, organs, and other tissues, as well as waste removal such as lactic acid. This can help to improve overall health and function.
  • Lower blood pressure: Massage has been shown to reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. This is likely due to its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Mental Benefits

Massage is not just good for the body – it can also have a positive impact on the mind. Here are some mental health benefits of massage:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety: Massage is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common issues in today’s world. It promotes relaxation and helps to release tension in the body and mind.
  • Increase relaxation and calmness: By releasing tension and promoting relaxation, massage can help you to feel more calm and at ease. This can be especially helpful for people with anxiety or trouble sleeping.
  • Promote better sleep quality: Massage has been shown to improve sleep quality in people with sleep disorders. This is likely due to its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  • Ease symptoms of depression: Massage can help to boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression. It promotes the release of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that help to regulate mood and emotions.
  • Improve mental clarity and focus: Massage can help you to feel more alert and focused by reducing tension in the body and mind. This can be especially helpful for people who work long hours or have high-stress jobs.
  • Boost self-esteem and confidence: Massage can help you to feel more confident and positive about your body by promoting relaxation and reducing tension. This can be especially helpful for people who struggle with body image issues.

Different Types of Massage

There are many different types of massage, each with their own unique benefits and techniques. Here are some examples:

  • Swedish massage: This is the most common type of massage. It involves long, flowing strokes to promote relaxation and improve circulation.
  • Deep tissue massage: This type of massage targets deeper layers of muscle and tissue to release tension and reduce pain.
  • Sports massage: Sports massage is designed for athletes and focuses on improving performance, reducing injury risk, and speeding up recovery.
  • Trigger point massage: This type of massage targets specific areas of muscle that are causing pain or discomfort.
  • Cupping massage: Cupping Massage which uses a local suction on the skin created by the application of heated cups. This can improve blood flow, may relieve muscle tension and promote cell repair.
  • Dry Needling: Dry Needling incorporated into a massage can be an extremely effective form of treatment. The strategic insertion of a thin dry needle in the muscle creates microtears in the tissue which stimulates the repair process in the muscle. Increases muscle relaxation, decreases muscle discomfort.


Overall, massage is a powerful tool that can improve both physical and mental health. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, stress, anxiety, or simply want to improve your overall well-being, massage can help. I encourage you to prioritise regular massages as part of your health and wellness routine – your body and mind will thank you!

All of the above mentioned massage methods are available at Body and Mindset Wellness in Varsity Lakes. Book Online Now to receive some of these amazing benefits of Massage


How would you like Stress Relief at Work?

Corporate Massage is an Easy , Time Efficient and Convenient Solution.

Most people struggle to find time to go and get a massage, that is why we come to you. Your team will feel amazing and love you for it.

We will come to your office to deliver stress relief and other fantastic benefits for the business and each individual.

Benefits your team may experience are:

Improved Alertness and Performance,

Increased Feeling of Well-Being,

Stress Relief/Reduction,

Improved Mood,

Reduction in Muscle Tightness and Pain.

For more benefits and details on how to contact us click here

Email Or Call us 1300 796 940.

corporate, event, Health, lifestyle, office, stretching, Uncategorized, wellbeing, wellness

Corporate Health -Stretches for the Hip Flexors

Corporate lifestyle = many hours in seated position, this causes many muscles to shorten/stiffen up, causing postural problems and often pain. Stretching is an easy method of self care that you can do to assist in relieving muscle shortening and discomfort.  Previously in this blog I have shown stretches for the upper body and how to safely execute them. This stretch is focused further down the body, we are looking at the hip flexors. These muscles are located deep, attaching to the spine, pelvis and thigh bones. Often when they are tight they can send an achey pain into the lower back and or thigh. If you have any joint conditions or major concerns get a doctors clearance to confirm that you are safe to proceed with these stretches. All stretching should be done slowly, deliberately into and out of the stretch, holding the stretch for at least 10 seconds.

*Please avoid these stretches if you have had a hip, back or knee injury, seek professional exercise advice if unsure.


  • This stretch is performed in a lunge position. The target hip will be the side that has the leg down the other side will be holding most of your weight and shifting your body weight until a desired stretch is achieved. To assist you can allow one knee to touch the ground or you can hover it off the ground (starting position-picture on the left).
  • Use a stable support for balance such as a wall.
  • Inhale, on the exhale while gently lunging further forward, bending the front leg, ensure to maintain a straight spine/natural curves. Do not push forward in the low back, this may lead to injury, avoid doing the stretch if you can not achieve the stretch without arching/pushing your back forward.
  • When you feel a stretch hold the position for at least 10 seconds.(stretch picture on the right)
  • Focus on breathing while stretching.
  • Gently push back out of the stretch and repeat 3-5 times.
  • Repeat the whole process on the other side.

The demonstration supplied is an example however if you have greater flexibility your back leg may be quite a bit further back, avoid bending the front knee more than 90deg, to reduce stressors on the knee. If you have less flexibility you may find that you can not start with your target leg knee straight down and you may feel a stretch before the the hip is straight.

There is a degree of difficulty in this stretch, always ensure that you are only working to your capabilities and if in doubt obtain a medical clearance before you proceed. This blog does not intend to replace any exercise specialist advice if so required we suggest that you seek professional assistance.

Massage can be another effective treatment for tight hip flexors and may offer relief. These muscles have a powerful effect on our posture, to have them released can make a big difference to and individuals posture.

To view the Trapezius stretch  Click here

To view the Chest stretches  Click here

To view the Forearm stretches Click here

To view the Shoulder stretches Click here

To view the Levator Scapulae muscle neck stretches Click here

Happy stretching!

Stretching is a wonderful easy way to manage your own discomfort and feel great.

Body and Mindset Wellness – Corporate Massage

 visiting offices in and around Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940




body, corporate, event, Health, healthy, lifestyle, massage, office, Uncategorized, wellness

Great Corporate Gifts


Corporate Massage Melbourne. Gift certificates from Body and Mindset Wellness

Gift Solutions that are breaking the mould of Christmas gift hampers that won’t break the bank.

Corporate Massage for clients and staff is a unique way to say thank you.

You can purchase gift vouchers or you can arrange corporate massage in the office.

Body and Mindset Wellness service Melbourne and surrounding suburbs. Providing seated or table massage to bring a touch of tranquility and calm to the work place.

Call 1300 796 940 or enquire through email  or  Visit the contact us page

corporate, event, Health, lifestyle, office

2015 Events That Stand Out

This Spring Carnival season in Melbourne 2015, YOUR event can be the stand out of all events.

Would you like to know how?

Just add a little special touch – Event/Corporate Massage

Body and Mindset Wellness – Events and Corporate Massage in Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940

Most people love a massage, go on add a little special extra bonus in your marquee. Last Spring Carnival, massage was a hit with numerous event organisers who planned massage as a treat for their guests, with rave reviews as a result.

If your event is not trackside that’s ok we will come to your function venue.

A quick 5-10 minute massage for your guests will give them something to smile about. Oh and don’t worry we won’t mess up the make up, we will leave people feeling better than they did and as great as they look.

Win in more ways than one this Spring Carnival

Win in more ways than one this Spring Carnival

For those who are working on the race days then bring a bit of the enjoyment to the workplace for your team, they will love you for it.

If you are holding any social event adding a special touch of a pampering massage will leave your guests looking forward to your next event and wanting more.

Just add a little special touch – Event/Corporate Massage

Body and Mindset Wellness – Events and Corporate Massage in Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940

body, corporate, Health, healthy, lifestyle, massage, new years resolution, stress management, stretching, wellness

Give the Gift of Health

Give the unique Gift of Feeling Great

Massage Gift Certificate

We all know people who either buy everything they want, leaving

nothing for anyone else to get them, or

people who look after everyone else and forget about themself.

Body and Mindset Wellness has Gift Certificates,

available for purchase.

Other great opportunities to use a Gift Certificate are

Thank you

Good bye & Good Luck


Happy Birthday

Merry Christmas

Happy Engagement

Congratulations on your Wedding Day


Valentines Day

Body and Mindset Wellness – Mobile and Corporate Massage in Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here

or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940 or 0416393123


body, corporate, eating, Health, healthy, lifestyle, wellness

Reduce energy consumption for your day – A trick I use

Often people count calories of meals however they forget about drinks and snacks.

Here is one of my favourite little tricks, I will cut my favourite protein bar into pieces. I take a cube at a time, that way I don’t eat it all in one hit, later in the day if I need something I can have another piece giving me a little pick me up with out the sugar overload. It amazed me how this helps reduced my over eating. I’ve never done the calorie counting thing, however I do like to consider how active my day will be and eat accordingly.

Where did those calories come from???

Where did those calories come from???

The best thing is to do what works for you.

Using this trick, I find a bar that I used to munch down in one hit or at least one day, the same bar may last 3-4 days as snacks – “Love it”

It doesn’t have to be hard work. You can choose to make it easy. Every little adjustment can help you to achieve your over all Body and Mindset Wellness.

eating, Health, healthy, new years resolution, stress management, well, wellness

Organic Choice

These days it’s hard to know what’s healthy. It seems every other day the blogs or info being circulated through social media and the news is saying the opposite to the week before. Advertising throws around the terms “Low Fat” (often high in sugar) or Zero sugar which may be filled with another genetically modified alternative that is not so great for your body. It’s time to learn what it is you are eating, this means you ultimately will be empowered to maintain your health and through wiser decisions hopefully prevent disease.This blog is just to get you thinking as there are all sorts of articles for you to read listed studies etc.


I”m a fan of organic produce so I decided to throw a few points in for you

Some simple things to consider

Is it organic? More supermarkets are increasing their organic ranges as well as an increase in speciality stores are becoming available. Another thing to note that sometime non-certified organic may be organic however they may not have gone through the demanding certification process.

Why choose organic when generally it costs more? The food grown is exposed to less pesticides, this means that you will consume less pesticides. I still suggest you wash your food.

Why does organic cost more? The farmer, labour, loss of crops, and attaining certification lead to higher costs.

Certified organic means the grower has to meet very high standards for this certification and there is more lost crop due to not using pesticides and herbicides. Studies involving food scans of organically grown vs conventionally grown fruit and vegetables shows a significant difference in the energy in the food being in favour of the organically grown. This is a good reason why to buy an organically grown apple for your morning tea rather than muslei  bar or conventionally grown fruit. There are studies that suggest there is no benefit to going organic, it is always important to explore any bias potential with any study that you are reading.

Body and Mindset Wellness – Corporate Massage in Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here

or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940

Health, new years resolution, stretching

Speed up your recovery from exercise!

Training changes such as but certainly not limited to: frequency, distance, new or old shoes, intensity, change of exercise type and variation of surface, all need to be considered in calculating your recovery time. Changes that lead to an increase of stress on the body, may mean you need to adjust training schedule and nutritional intake, to allow the body enough time to recover and repair between workouts.

Other life stressors can also influence your recovery such as: a new job, less sleep, new baby etc.

This Blog is not to replace you seeking specific personal professional advice, it is a guide only. These tips are by no means everything you need to know about exercise. For a beginner commencing an exercise regime please seek personalised professional advise for your situation. My aim is to share some tips I have picked up along the way. I’m hoping to help educate people that there is much more to consider, when going for a run, than just throwing on a pair of sneakers and hitting the pavement. Many people go on their Health Kicks or New Years Resolution’s without any preparation. As the saying goes “Failing to plan, is planning to FAIL”. Once you sustain an injury the damage is done, let’s try to prevent them, as well as help you feel better post work out and keeping you on track to achieving your goals. If you are unsure of how to do any of the listed points, feel free to get in touch with me, within my capacity I can assist or point you in the appropriate direction. Click here

Speed up your workout recovery

Speed up your workout recovery

Here are some easy things you can do so you are not so stiff and sore post work out.

  1. Warm up – I’m sure you have been told “don’t forget to warm up” but I find most people still don’t do it. If you understand a little of why then you might actually do it! Here’s why – Stiff or cold muscles suddenly thrust into vigorous exercise will suffer more microscopic muscle tears than they would if eased into a gradual build up of intensity. For the competitive reader, better blood flow will enhance performance, sound good? Then you know what to do.
  2. Stretch – You can do some gentle stretching before your activity, avoid intense or deep stretches as you don’t want to weaken the muscles or cause micro tears just prior to exerting full effort. For specific stretching guides explore this blog as I have posted and will be posting more descriptions on certain stretches and how to do them safely.
  3. Workout – Enjoy your activity and ensure that you are playing or training at the appropriate level for you.
  4. Cool down – Let’s get straight to the why?- it allows your body, particularly your heart time to adjust to your slower pace. This will give the heart and muscles time to realise the blood needs to flow slower, helping to avoid that light headed feeling or worse fainting.
  5. Stretch – To undo the tension build up from the workout ensure you always stretch as the final part of the cool down process. Focus firstly on the main muscles used the activity.
  6. Massage – Will help to passively release tension at a deeper level than stretching. It will enhance blood flow circulating nutrients to your muscles quicker hence speeding up the recovery. For enquiries on Body and Mindset Wellness Mobile and Corporate Massage service in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Click here.

    Massage aids in recovery and enhance relaxation

    Massage aids in recovery and enhance relaxation

  7. Nutrients – Adequate nutrients with a well balanced diet will assist in the recovery from exercise as well as aid in optimal performance.
  8. Hydration – Staying well hydrated is essential as we are made up of 50-65% water, when you start to feel thirsty that is a sign you are already dehydrated. Ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, more when exercising or sweating large amounts.
  9. Electrolytes – Sweat will cause you to lose electrolytes, it is especially important when there has been sustained sweating for quite a long period of time to consume extra electrolytes.  We can get some from our food, depending on the food choice. It’s not always necessary to add extra to your diet however for distance events, especially in sun exposure, you require water replacement as well as electrolytes. Be mindful of the electrolyte replacements that you select as some may have quite a lot of sugar in them. Here is a link to an article on coconut water and it’s ability to act as a natural sports drink. I’m not saying its the only option but it’s a great option

    Natural electrolyte replacement

    Natural electrolyte replacement

  10. Active recovery – Being active on the days after your workout, even if it’s a walk or some simple stretches, will help promote blood flow and speed up the recovery process.

I hope this has given you something to think about and may help you on the road to your success, happy training.

Body and Mindset Wellness – Corporate Massage in Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940

body, corporate, event, Health, massage, office, stress management, stretching, wellbeing, wellness

Easy Upper Back Stretch

Easy Upper Back stretches

In conjunction with the chest stretches this stretch is wonderful to help relieve pain or discomfort between the shoulder blades.

*Please avoid these stretches if you have had a shoulder injury, particularly affecting  stability, such as but not limited to dislocations, muscles strains, ligament sprains, or seek professional exercise advice if unsure. It’s also important to remember to be gentle moving into and out of stretches to avoid injuring yourself. These stretches are a guide and by no means replace your personal professional advice if required.

Rhomboids/Trapezius stretch

  • Sit up right, tall in your chair, with feet flat on the floor
  • Interlace your fingers with your arms out in front of you

Starting position for the Rhomboids (between the shoulder blades)

Starting position for the Rhomboids and middle Trapezius (between the shoulder blades)

  • Inhale, then on the exhale gently push your hands forward and away from you
  • When you feel a stretch hold the position for at least 10 seconds
  • Focus on breathing while stretching

Finish position for the Rhomboids and middle Trapezius stretch

Finish position for the Rhomboids and middle Trapezius stretch

*Ensure you keep your head up. If you find it difficult to feel the stretch, you may use a fixed pole to link your hands around and pull back gently to feel the stretch. Ensure you keep your feet in a wide stance to support your body weight and control the resistance level of the stretch.

*Please avoid these stretches if you have had a shoulder injury, seek professional exercise advice if unsure.

To view the Trapezius stretch post Click here

To view the Chest stretches post Click here

To view the Forearm stretches post Click here

To view the Shoulder stretches post Click here

To view the Levator Scapulae muscle neck stretches post Click here

I will be posting more stretches and tips to living well. If you would like to know more please feel free to contact me on the number listed or Click here.

Happy stretching!

This is a wonderful easy way to manage your own discomfort and feel great.

Body and Mindset Wellness – Corporate Massage in Melbourne, Australia

To discuss your requirements, please Click here or feel free to call us on 1300 796 940
